Monday, May 6, 2013

Open For Business

Opening day for All Things New Studio
Saturday was a big day for All Things New Studio. It was the very first day to open! I got lots of positive feedback on the pieces, which was a real confidence and faith builder. I am excited to learn, grow, develop and be a better steward of any talents God gives to me. This post is going to be a short one today. I think I am worn out from last weekend, so anything more I write probably won't make much sense. It's all new to me and as I am somewhat naturally introverted, I am not used to much attention so I am trying to process it all. I did want to write something, though! Here is a fun flashback from where it was back in January...

and again, now...

By God's grace, I hope to keep growing, improving, and developing more the style and voice that God has created in me. I am so encouraged at how far I've come in the last few months, all the things I've learned about paint and furniture and wood, etc. I really look forward to the time I will get to look back on this time and smile at how far I have come from "that first Saturday I nervously opened in a storage unit with a bunch of crackle painted furniture and experiments." 

All this is a bunch of stuff, but I like fixing it up during this season of my life because it helps me meditate on what God does in my own life. To know that as messed up as I feel sometimes, God is bigger than that and sees me as beautiful and purposeful and makes me new and full of life again through His grace, forgiveness, and kindness each day, bit by bit. The whole process is reminding me and teaching me so much in this regard. It's good to know it's sometimes messy getting to the end result. So glad I do not have to be perfect, or have what others would consider an ideal life, or even a perfect mindset for Him to work and allow me to grow and to be used for His purposes. I am veeeerrrry slowly learning this, but I am learning and it is starting to get more freeing. I could wrap this up in a nice neat, bow, but this story is not finished for sure...
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